Get the most out of your pool this season with the use of our pool opening services performed by our trained professionals. Book a pool opening with our service department and let us do all the work to make your swimming pool ready for the summer!

Full Opening includes :
Pools 18x36 or larger may have additional charges depending on cover type. Pricing does not apply to commercial pools
Pools 18x36 or larger may have additional charges depending on cover type. Pricing does not apply to commercial pools
- Pump off winter cover where necessary and bail leaves from winter cover
- Remove water bags and winter cover.
- Pressure Wash winter cover and roll up ready to be stored. (product to clean, preserve and protect the winter cover is extra).
- Quick wash down of pool deck
- Clean water line
- Re-Connect pool equipment
- Install ladder, handrail, diving board
- Install items that were removed for winterizing (i.e. returns, drain plugs, baskets, pressure gauge, sight glass - make sure all these parts are accessible especially if any parts were stored indoors over the winter)
- Where there is enough water in the pool, start up pump, filter and if electronic ignition - heater.
- If winterized with a safety cover, (1) vacuuming to remove debris accumulated over the winter up to a maximum of 20 minutes.
- Shock to eliminate chloramines and/or begin clearing the pool (product is extra)
- Client is to bring in a water sample to our retail location 24-48 hours after the pool opening to get recommendations for balancing.
Partial opening includes:
Pools 18x36 or larger may have additional charges depending on cover type. Pricing does not apply to commercial pools
Pools 18x36 or larger may have additional charges depending on cover type. Pricing does not apply to commercial pools
- Re-Connect pool equipment
- Install items that were removed for winterizing (i.e. returns, drain plugs, baskets, pressure gauge, sight glass - make sure these parts are accessible, especially if they were stored indoors over the winter)
- Start up pump, filter and if electronic ignition - heater.
Customer is responsible for removal of cover, water bags and re-installing ladder, handrail, diving board, drop in steps... Client is to bring in a water sample to our retail location for balancing recommendation once the pool has been circulating for 24-48 hours.
Any products used for the opening are extra. If you want the pool equipment operational prior to our departure then the pool must be filled prior to our arrival. This may be done by putting a garden hose under the winter cover to fill the pool. Keep in mind that you will have to pump off or syphon the water from the top of the winter cover prior to being able to fill the pool. IF your main drain is connected to your pump, then there is no need to do the aforementioned as we can run the pool on the main drain if the water level is below the skimmer. In the event that we are unable to start up the equipment due to not enough water in the pool, a return visit will have to be scheduled to start up the equipment at a minimum cost of $70.
Pricing and optional add-on services will be displayed within the online booking system.
If water needs to be trucked in, water is extra. All chemicals extra.